AW Lake Controls
EMO-500 Monitor
The EMO-500 is a two signal component ratio monitor designed for use in steady or pulsing
flow streams. Signals from two flow meters can be displayed as independant flow rates or
totals, or as an A/B, A + B or A - B relationship. In ratio mode, a programmable ideal ratio is
compared to the actual ratio, and off ratio conditions are indicated via one of the four limit
relays. These relays can be used to operate audible or visual alarms, or to terminate pump
operation. The EMO-500 has seven different totalizers for reporting and record keeping.
Other features include job resets, RS-232/485 Serial Communication and a 4-20 mA output.
EMO-3000 Multi-Channel Flow Computer
The standard EMO-3000 offers one to four channels, but is expandable to up to 12 channels.
Each channel can be configured as a flow monitor or as a closed loop controller. Four alarm
limits can be programmed for each channel indicating rate, total, or ratio conditions. The ratio
function allows the display of flow rate A, flow rate B and ratio A/B up to 12 channels. The
DM-3000 is a backlighted digital display that can show 12 channels simultaneously. The
display values can be programmed in over 30 different selectable engineering units. The
RS-232 or RS-485 Serial I/O interface allows for remote data collection, programming and
PLC interface, allowing for multi-unit interfacing. Any channel card can be configured to
provide closed loop feedback flow control. This is important in automatic systems where flow
rate deviations can rapidly result in major rework, labor and material costs. The self teaching
memory function remembers previous “learned” control values.
LLC-BA Batch Controller
Mounted in a pre-wired NEMA 12 industrial enclosure, the LLC-BA Batch Controller provides
accurate and repeatable batch control, stores up to nine different programmable batch quantities,
and is a rate, total or batch indicator.
The LLC-BA controls batch operation with relay contacts to initiate and stop the flow. Two
separate relay outputs allow the control of two solenoids with different flow rates providing a slow
stop/start of the flow. The LLC-BA activates the low flow solenoid on the START input and after
a programmed variable DELAY, the high flow solenoid is activated producing a combined high
flow rate. The high flow solenoid is deactivated before the batch amount has been reached by
means of the PRECUT variable reducing the flow for a slow stop. The low flow solenoid is deactivated
when the programmed batch amount is reached.
The LLC-BA compensates for a valve or fluid delay in the batch system with the Automatic Overrun
Compensation feature. The A.O.C. feature detects any overrun and the LLC-BA anticipates
and corrects for the delay on the next batch. This feature is always active and adapting
continuously to correct for long-term changes in valves and fluid characteristics.